Is date/time for modification/creation system information or metadata? I
thought this info was held within the system, not in the metadata.  Would
this info be kept intact across os x or windows or linux?  It could be, but
never have I ever heard of the creation date/mod dates being referred to as

On Mon, Jul 27, 2009 at 11:30 AM, Reid Katan <> wrote:

> Quoting mike <>:
>  Yes.  At this point he is missing the MD or it is wrong.
>> On Mon, Jul 27, 2009 at 9:58 AM, Reid Katan <> wrote:
>>  But isn't tagging just filling in the artist/title and all that other
>>> info?
>>> And isn't that the same as metadata? Or am I missing something?
> So, getting back to the original question: The date/time metadata may
> actually be there, but iTunes is not displaying it (I'm guessing that one of
> the programs that's already been mentioned will show it if it's there)?
> If that's the case, perhaps upgrading to the latest iTunes will help
> (assuming he's not already there).
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