On Monday 31 March 2003 02:41, Pierre Jarillon wrote:
> Le Lundi 31 Mars 2003 01:27, Edward Tandi a écrit :
> > > > > But I do personally think that the quality is beginning to suffer.
> > > > > I think Mandrake should be releasing less frequently and have a
> > > > > longer stability/testing/fixing period. If you look at the reviews
> > > > > of Linux distros, the highest points are awarded to those that work
> > > > > with the least number of problems.
> I agree with a longer stability/testing/fixing period. Now, there is enough
> of things in the distro and the main interest of the users will be the
> stability and a lower number a bug.
> IMHO, Mdk 8.2 was the best usable distro and since this time the quality
> is beginning to suffer. It is absolutly necessary to do better.

For me 9.0 was the most uncomplicated version ever (haven't seen 9.1 yet ;)) 
and the fastest too.

> The frequency of releases is not important.

But it is imortant for getting new stuff in. Do you really think all free 
software development will stop now and mandrake can lean back and focus on 
stability ? 

We have to learn:
- how to use bugzilla
- how to produce usefull fixes and patches

mandrake staff has to learn:
- communication ;)
- even more of the first point

And if I got it right the improvement in the use of bugzilla was big.

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