On Mon, 2003-03-31 at 12:06, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Quoting Buchan Milne <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> > of "If you want to ensure your hardware works, you *must* test beta1".
> > 
> > Buchan
> Agree. I posted a similar message just after the final release. Maybe the more
> efficient way is to :
> ...
> - maintain a database of "official" beta testers, with their hardware specs. So
> that it would be interesting for two things :
> First it would give an idea of the most used hardware, so Mdk would concentrate
> on that hardware
> Second, it would allow to test some specific hardware : if there is a doubt
> about this or that hardware detection, Mandrake would just have to contact that
> (these testers) to ask to test their specific configuration.

I think there may be some mileage in this. We could ensure a good
coverage of hardware without too much duplication in testing. Mandrake
could nominate 2 testers for each bit of hardware. Testers would know
that they are being relied on, rather than leaving it to others.
Mandrake would also have (automagically) a compatibility database that
could be used from the WEB.

The only issue I can see is that I tend to update my hardware quite
regularly (and Linux support for new hardware is a source of
frustration). But if there is a WEB page to administer the hardware
registration, maintaining the list of testers can be kept to a minimum.

Also, I don't like updating my works laptop very often (too risky), but
I guess I could keep this one off the list.


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