On Mon, 2003-03-31 at 03:01, Buchan Milne wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> James Sparenberg wrote:
> > On Sun, 2003-03-30 at 16:41, Pierre Jarillon wrote:
> >
> > perhaps the time has come to start looking at
> > a slower release cycle, and/or niche releases ie laptop, MNF Multimedia
> > etc.
> I fail to see why a laptop needs vastly different software to a dekstop
> machine.
> Does Apple have a laptop version of OS X?
> Does windows have a laptop version of Windows XP?

Problem is you don't see it.  It's integrated into one.  IE you buy the
product installed.  But there are differences.
> The biggest issue is hardware, and the only way that is going to improve
> is if more people test the Betas, since hardware/kernel fixes should not
> be made in RCs. But, for this to happen, someone needs to motivate
> testers to test Betas. There might be a need for more communication to
> beta testers, such as at least noting what the objective of the
> different aspects of the release cycle is. Maybe a notice to the effect
> of "If you want to ensure your hardware works, you *must* test beta1".

Laptops, the hardware in them The rpms/features needed are perceptually
different from desktops.  Realize this..... MDK for laptops will be 99%
the same as any other.  In that rpms etc built here are just lined up in
a different order, or ignored.  Things that could be dropped are .....
support for NIC cards (non PCMCIA ones. Put in updates to pcmcia config
(and yes I sent in a large file to the MDK maintainer of missing /
changed cards.) Mostly though it's a marketing thing.  SuSE now has the
Office release... I've looked at it..It's not very different from
personal.  BUT the box says SuSE for Office. It must be better, right?  
Does have one nice point... no games.  With disk space becoming a
premium.. this may ease the pain as well.  BTW I've been testing Beta1
et all and reporting since 6.x so yes I know it helps.  Remember though
one thing.  The people with the really big bucks, don't have time for
beta testing.  aka the corporate world. They want results a product that
works.  In this world connecting to the company exchange server from
worldwide locations is a lot more important than 3d acceleration.  Each
world has it's own need.  Mandrakes need is money.  I'm just letting
them know what people I know need.

> Buchan
> - --
> |--------------Another happy Mandrake Club member--------------|
> Buchan Milne                Mechanical Engineer, Network Manager
> Cellphone * Work            +27 82 472 2231 * +27 21 8828820x121
> Stellenbosch Automotive Engineering         http://www.cae.co.za
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