Le mar 01/04/2003 à 00:14, J.A. Magallon a écrit :
1 - a laptop, except for the screen size and resolution witch is
sometimes particular(1400*1200) for example must run Mdk's normal i586.
It's not a different architecture.

> I have realized this just as I type. Think of a lab/university admin that
> gets a DVD with a Mandrake's 9.2 installer both for i386, sparc, and PPC
> in different partitions (if all that can fit on a single DVD...). Just
> put the DVD on your pocked and reformat the lab...

Good idea !!!

And this is a perfect option for making money, who can download a dvd image....

Me, and many research users. Bandwidth download is not our problem, i'm
at the end of the network and i can still get about 800kB/s (octets in
French, not bit). One DVD is only about 2 hours and half of download.

In some labs they can get 2MB/s, so it's about one hour download ...

I think here the problem is not downloading or not the iso, but much
more what support you'll get for the DVD pack ...


Linux 2.4.19-32mdk #1 Tue Mar 25 20:45:38 MST 2003
10:00am up 3 days, 14:08, 1 user, load average: 1.02, 1.04, 1.00

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