Joshua Jackson wrote:
> Alexander Skwar wrote:
>> Why?  If he isn't even using the 128 Megs he allocated, what good should it
>> do to allocate >= 256 MB as you suggest?

> The old-school way of configuring swap space was, if I remember
> correctly, twice as much as you have physical RAM.  Now, that does seem
> pointless in todays RAM-happy computers.  There are probably many people
> that still do it, habitually.

For some people, 128MB is awfully tight. For others, ``640MB ought to be enough
RAM for anybody.'' Did I say that? (-:

In other words, 128MB may be plenty for you but another user may habitually have
200MB of stuff in use at any one time.

I have 128MB of RAM really used, plus 25MB out of 85MB of swap used. I have
StarOffice, Netscape Communicator, licq and two xterms open, plus am running
Apache, BIND, PostgreSQL and a few other services. For me, 128MB is enough, but
not excessive at all. When I upgrade this machine disk from Mandrake-7.1-ish to
7.2-ish, I'll bump the swap up to about 200MB to give myself some headroom.

"I wish there was a knob on the TV to turn up the intelligence.
There's a knob called 'brightness', but it doesn't work." -- Gallagher

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