Vincent Danen wrote:

> Been there, done that, worked on a every machine.  In fact, a snippet 
> from dmesg on my primary workstation:
> hda: IDE DVD-ROM 16X, ATAPI CD/DVD-ROM drive
> hdb: 24X10X40 CD-RW, ATAPI CD/DVD-ROM drive
> hde: Maxtor 53073H6, ATA DISK drive
> hdf: Maxtor 54098H8, ATA DISK drive
> hdg: ST380021A, ATA DISK drive
> hdh: Maxtor 91728D8, ATA DISK drive

My apologies.   My troubles must have been with 8.0 (I dismissed 8.1).
You might be slightly better off to have used hdc for the CD-RW so that 
you could safely copy CDs.   Both on the one IDE channel is dubious with 
many chipsets.

Ron. [Melbourne, Australia]

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