On Friday, September 27, 2002, at 03:56 PM, Ron Stodden wrote:

>> I've never heard of that as being a primary.  I've known about 
>> sunet.se and sunsite.uio.no, but not the one you're referring to.  
>> I've never heard of that one before.  At any rate, there are more 
>> than just two primaries, and yes, I know how the whole mirroring 
>> situation works with the primaries and secondaries.  I sync from the 
>> machine that the primaries sync from.
> [ron@small ron]$ host sunsite.uio.no
> sunsite.uio.no is an alias for spheniscus.uninett.no.
> spheniscus.uninett.no has address
> [ron@small ron]$ host ftp.uninett.no
> ftp.uninett.no is an alias for spheniscus.uninett.no.
> spheniscus.uninett.no has address
> [ron@small ron]$

Well, I'll be damned.  That answers that question.  Still doesn't 
change the fact that they have absolutely no requirements to carry 
everything and if they choose not to carry Mandrake-old, there are 
others that do.

MandrakeSoft Security; http://www.mandrakesecure.net/
"lynx - source http://linsec.ca/vdanen.asc | gpg --import"
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