> I checked the CD that came with the sound card. There is no DOS software
> to be found on it.
Well, no problem. I think the mouse is OK. However, you compared apples
with oranges by doing the tests on two different platforms (i.e. different
motherboards from different manufacturers) and the tests were not
exhaustive (incl. swapping hardware between computers to rule out card
problems). But see below...
  (Anyway, I think we should take this off-list...)

> I see the numbers, but they really have no meaning to me.
Well, you provided me with the number anyway...

> > without taking devfs into the equation of which I haven't heard until
> > recently on this list.
> I don't see anything in this output that tells me anything. I'm not a
> programmer.
Duh, pretty obvious, so why don't you pass on the output to me??? :-)
Well, don't need it anymore, I think.

> new /etc/modules.conf. I put in the sound lines from the RH7.3 manually.
> That produced working CD player and KMedia, but non-working volume
> control in KMixer and CD player. I changed to the sound lines from RC3,
> but that produced no changes. Back to RC3 sound/psaux diagnosis.
That's because you probably need a separate mixer device or maybe the OSS
compatibility devices, don't know; ask the sound experts...
NOTE ADDED : read SoundPro in kernel-doc-<version>/sound; it talks about
mixer control problems for certain Windows Sound System cards (like your
cs4232 card) and advises to try out the ad1848-like mixer chip driver (as
included in the last modules.conf you included in this message).
This reminds me to next time also provide the output of lsmod...

> The whole of RH7.3 /etc/modules.conf is:
> alias scsi_hostadapter sym53c8xx
> alias eth0 8139too
Could be useful to enforce ordering maybe in the IRQ assignment by the

[snip : see below]

> In strong contrast, /etc/modules.conf from RC3 contains:
> options cs4232 io=0x530 irq=5 dma=0 dma2=0 mpuio=0x330 mpuirq=9
!!!Only do this when the card is not detected by isapnp during boot.
!!!However, you might want to add the mpu settings to the "automatic" line
!!!if you need a MIDI synthesizer (and see below for yet another sound
!!!device, the wavefront synthesizer...). Again, read

> cat /proc/interrupts from RH7.3:
>            CPU0
>   3:         30          XT-PIC  eth0 --> happy
>   5:       3151          XT-PIC  Crystal audio controller --> happy
>  10:      12091          XT-PIC  sym53c8xx
!!!--> NOT happy!!! see below
>  11:          0          XT-PIC  usb-uhci --> happy
>  12:        488          XT-PIC  PS/2 Mouse --> very happy :-)
> cat /proc/interrupts from RC3, without sound in /etc/modules:
>            CPU0
>   3:        123          XT-PIC  usb-uhci, eth0 --> not so happy :-)
>  10:         76          XT-PIC  sym53c8xx
!!!NOT happy!!!
[snip happy rest]

> Note working mouse, but absent sound, and free IRQ 11
Because according to your previous post you assigned IRQ 11 in the BIOS to
the SuperVGA card in slot 3. However, this type of video card doesn't need
an IRQ since it is a completely memory-mapped device. So, turn of the BIOS
IRQ assignment to VGA and additionally switch off the IRQ 11 allocation to
slot 3 (i.e. by putting it back to Auto; in fact, you should do that for
all the slots!!!). See below...


> Differences between machines:
[A world of difference, but from this I can infer that the Tyan is giving
you the hasles????]

> # of SCSI HD's        1       2   !!!!
> Boot                  hda     sdb !!!!

> That's all the differences. Same include: ET6100, sym53c875 PCI slot 1,
> single IDE HD, CS4235 ISA slot 1, ALN-325 (Realtek 8139) PCI slot 2,

> I tried changing BIOS settings to stop the usb/eth0 sharing on IRQ 3,
> but nothing worked. IRQ 11 stays unused.
No wonder, see above!!

> Next I tried using the different sound options from from the RH7.3
> modules.conf in rc3. That produced another no-mouse result and the
> following cat /proc/interrupts:
>            CPU0
>   3:         36          XT-PIC  eth0      --> happy
>   5:          0          XT-PIC  usb-uhci  --> happy
>  10:         68          XT-PIC  sym53c8xx
!!!NOT happy!!!

>  12:          0          XT-PIC  Crystal audio controller
!!!--> probably silently stealing IRQ 9 for automatically setting up
!!!another audio device; I need lsmod and cat /proc/isapnp to be sure
[snip happy rest]

> (Note sound on IRQ 12, and missing PS/2.)
Mmm, I more and more start to believe the aliases for the other devices in
modules.conf does influence the device driver probing or(/and) (so) the
IRQ assignment order.

> and the following dmesg (from which I've stripped out most of what
> I believe is irrelevant):
I hope so!! :-))
> SCSI subsystem driver Revision: 1.00
> PCI: Found IRQ 11 for device 00:08.0
> IRQ routing conflict for 00:08.0, have irq 10, want irq 11
!!!!?????The MP3's don't happen to be on a SCSI disk, do they???!!!!
(See below!!)

> ad1848/cs4248 codec driver Copyright (C) by Hannu Savolainen 1993-1996
> ad1848: WSS/SB detected
   (read kernel-doc-<version>/sound/SoundPro ...)
> ad1848: ISAPnP reports 'WSS/SB' at i/o 0x534, irq 12, dma 1, 3
isapnp works just fine, use isapnp=1 option in /etc/modules.conf...

> cs4232: set synthio and synthirq to use the wavefront facilities.
         follow this guideline(AFTER resolving your hardware issues) and
         you can use the wavefront synth...
[snip : don't use specifics, isapnp works just fine...]
> some BIOS changes, as well as moving the video card from slot 3 to slot 4.
Ok, and how does the IRQ assignment look now in the BIOS. Please, give me
ALL info otherwise I feel like a cat chasing its own tail!!!!!

> Nothing helped until I changed BIOS PCI INT 5 to Legacy ISA, leaving all
> others at PCI/ISA PNP. That produced the following cat /proc/interrupts:
>            CPU0
>  10:         67          XT-PIC  sym53c8xx
               ^^ consistently low, compared to the RH7.3 machine
!!!! NOT HAPPY, our usual suspect, see below

> PCI: Found IRQ 11 for device 00:08.0
> IRQ routing conflict for 00:08.0, have irq 10, want irq 11
!!!And again, did you read over this message???

> This produced working sound, but only briefly. I set KMedia player on a
> long MP3, raised the sound level with KMixer, then opened Konqueror. So
> far OK. Then I tried to open Mozilla. That produced a hard lockup. After
> restart and fscking, I opened Mozilla first, then KMixer, then KMedia. As
> soon as I clicked OK on the MP3 file to open, hard lockup.
!!!In case you read over my question : do the MP3's by any chance reside
!!!on a SCSI disk (or does anything related to the above used

> Next I did more fiddling. I removed the BIOS VGA IRQ, which moved USB
> from sharing IRQ 3 with eth0, to all by itself on IRQ 11. I tested
Ah, must have read over it. Anyway, see below...

[snip sound works great with either type of settings]

> That worked OK for system sounds and playing CD's, but still allowed hard
> locks trying to play MP3's off a HD. Smells like a DMA conflict.
Do you start to see the pattern??? :-)))))

> Not knowing anything else to try, I created another partition and installed
> RedHat 7.3. That gobbled a bunch of time, and produced essentially the
> same result, hard lock playing MP3's off the HD, but otherwise OK, using the
Errr, do I need to say more?????

> options cs4232 isapnp=1
!!!KEEP IT!!!! (And the corresponding BIOS setting making IRQ5 Legacy ISA...)
!!!(If sound is garbled, please provide cat /proc/isapnp ...)

> alias sound-slot-2 ad1848
> post-install sound-slot-2 /bin/aumix-minimal -f /etc/.aumixrc -L >/dev/null 2>&1 || :
> pre-remove sound-slot-2 /bin/aumix-minimal -f /etc/.aumixrc -S >/dev/null 2>&1 || :
!!! this enables your mixer controls!!!

> What a nightmare. I guess the sndconfig package in RedHat isn't different
> enough to do me any good with this machine. Besides a PCI video card or
> forgetting about configuring sound at all, anyone have any ideas to
> suggest? Is this possibly a resolvable DMA problem? After all, OS/2 plays
> MP3's on this box without locking up.
Well, OS/2 ignores the BIOS IRQ assignments and reprograms the IRQ
router in case the MP3's happen to be on a SCSI device. If not, it still
is an IRQ problem, not DMA one, I think(!).

Summary : SCSI card doesn't get the IRQ it wants. Sound seems to work,
regardless of isapnp configuration mode (i.e. manual or auto-detect).
Mouse seems to work fine too (there is no device file when there is no
mouse detected, i.e. in those case there is no PS/2 entry on IRQ 12 in
/proc.interrupts). Only consistent pattern is lock-up when trying to play
MP3's. Only reoccuring error message in /var/log/dmesg is IRQ assignment
to SCSI controller card. (Various BIOS setup-related quirks...)

TO DO : do the testing on the problem machine. If you get it to work but
are experiencing random lockup (but long enough after boot), try replacing
hardware ONE by ONE from the other (AOpen) machine.
Try the following setup strategy :
  * Disable ALL interrupt assignments in the BIOS, except for USB (see
below). This includes putting ALL Slot<->IRQ associations back to Auto!!!
Only add them back ONE by ONE when some devices don't get detected during
boot (i.e. compare what you expect with what you find in dmesg and
/proc/interrupts), starting with the slot corresponding to the device
that is not found.
  * Set IRQ 3 or 5 to Legacy ISA and see how the sound card and the NIC
interact (i.e. in /proc/interrupts). Put it to 5 if the sound card is
only really happy with IRQ 5.
  * Disconnect any USB devices if they don't include your keyboard and
mouse, switch off temporarily IRQ assignm. to USB to prevent loading the
USB controller driver...(and resolve that remount error in /var/log/dmesg
when re-enabling USB)
  * Change modules.conf to include all the top-level aliases you find in
RH7.3 (such as eth0, scsi_hostadapter, add usb-controller later when
re-enabling USB, ...)
( * Use the last settings for sound you sent me; this will give you a
working mixer and a synthesizer (it eats an IRQ# though...).)
  * After boot, check for problems in /var/log/dmesg (such as the SCSI IRQ
problem :-P :-) and check /proc/isapnp for the sound card,
/proc/interrupts to see if all devices are active (you won't find VGA or
any switch off devices such as USB when it is disabled, ...) and
maybe lspci -v when you are playing with the Slot<->IRQ associations in
the BIOS.

When it works or doesn't work after many tries, please send me
/var/log/dmesg, /proc/interrupts, /proc/isapnp (or /proc/sys/pnp),
/etc/modules.conf, BIOS info (setting+boot), lsmod and lspci -v .

I hope this helps,

Good luck!


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