I was not speaking specifically about this problem. I am also speaking out of
frustration during my participation with 8.2. I tried my best to work through some
issues with the developers, and did get one of the problems resolved, but as a
whole, I felt like 8.2 was getting very close to being a very solid product, only a
week or so away when it was released. I have not been a part of the process this
time so I really don't know the ends and outs. But I started to hear some similar
complaints. The best comparison I can come up with would be how I made the switch
from a B sometimes C student (this is a while back mind you...) to making a 4.0. I
did not put in that much more work. It really came down to the fact of giving myself
an extra week or so to review the work a few times from a fresh perspective. The
little changes and adjustments I made, were the difference in a letter grade or so.

What I am getting at is.... after getting past the show stopper bugs, if Mandrake
will continue just a bit more to get through the annoying or smaller issues, it may
help Mandrake to take that next big step to becoming the standard linux desktop and
market leader. I wouldn't be pushing here if I didn't believe that Mandrake has the
best vision and it has been my favorite distro for quite a while. I would just like
to see a fully polished product out, it seems the last one was so close.....

Ben Reser ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote*:
>On Sun, Sep 22, 2002 at 02:38:06AM +0000, SI Reasoning wrote:
>> I have heard this argument before but don't buy it. I am not talking about waiting
>> years here... Just taking the time to release the product when it is ready instead
>> of forcing a deadline. Mandrake 8.2 was released despite a known serious issue with
>> smb with the kernel. That was something that definately should have been fixed
>> before release. This is not to say you don't aim for a deadline, but even Microsoft
>> will fearlessly delay release, often for months.
>Start paying attention.  9.0 was supposed to be released last week.  It
>got pushed back a week to fix an issue.  But you're arguing that we
>should delay it so we can fix some guys error where the kernel doesn't
>think he has a PS/2 mouse port and nobody else has seen this issue.  For
>all we know fixing his issue will break something for a huge group of
>Sometimes fixing things for one thing will break things for other
>people.  Take for instance the machines that don't turn themselves off.
>Apparently this has something to do with the Mandrake kernel not having
>ACPI support in it.  But if we enable ACPI support then other people
>will have even worse problems.
>Face it.  There will be bugs and there will be tradeoffs.  Mandrake does
>the best that they can.
>Never take no as an answer from someone who isn't authorized to say yes.

SI Reasoning
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The significant problems we face cannot be solved by the same level of thinking that 
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-Albert Einstein

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