On Sun, 22 Sep 2002, SI Reasoning wrote:

> I have heard this argument before but don't buy it. I am not talking about waiting
> years here... Just taking the time to release the product when it is ready instead
> of forcing a deadline. Mandrake 8.2 was released despite a known serious issue with
> smb with the kernel.

That bug was also picked up in final beta or the RC, which of course meant
too little time to reliably fix. Plus, initial bug reports were very bad,
and the bug difficult to reproduce.

FYI, SuSE also shiped with the same bug, and maybe RH did too (can't
reproduce, so I can't check for sure).

> That was something that definately should have been fixed
> before release. This is not to say you don't aim for a deadline, but even Microsoft
> will fearlessly delay release, often for months.

If Mandrakesoft had $30 billion in cash in the bank, they would also have
this luxury. We all can remember buggy releases from MS, even when they
had approximately this luxury (show me one laptop running win98se that
shuts down reliably all its life).


|----------------Registered Linux User #182071-----------------|
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