+1 for removing the link to Collections#unmodifiableList in the spec. I don't see any particular reason to specify in the javadoc and don't believe it would break any existing apps.


On 10/11/16 4:03 PM, Stuart Marks wrote:

On 10/10/16 11:26 PM, Andrej Golovnin wrote:

2490     public static class Control {
2491         /**
2492          * The default format <code>List</code>, which contains
the strings
2493          * <code>"java.class"</code> and
<code>"java.properties"</code>, in
2494          * this order. This <code>List</code> is {@linkplain
2495          * Collections#unmodifiableList(List) unmodifiable}.
2496          *
2497          * @see #getFormats(String)
2498          */
2499         public static final List<String> FORMAT_DEFAULT =
List.of("java.class", "java.properties");

I think you should also change the JavaDocs in the
ResourceBundle.Control class for the constants FORMAT_CLASS,
FORMAT_DEFAULT and FORMAT_PROPERTIES, because the JavaDocs for this
constants explicitly mentions, that the lists are created by using
Collections#unmodifiableList(List). Or you cannot change this
constants at all because they are part of the Public API and existed
in this form for a long time. Please ask someone from Oracle for help.
They can explain it better when it is OK to change and when not. Maybe
Stuart can do that.

Hi Andrej,

Thanks for pointing this out.

It appears that the changes to remove the links to
Collections.unmodifiableList() was dropped from webrev.01 to webrev.02.
I've restored them, along with a couple other changes that were also
dropped. I also updated the ModuleFinder.java comment per a request from
Alan Bateman. The revised webrev is here:


In any case, yes, the specifications of the ResourceBundle.Control
fields should be changed to remove the links to
Collections.unmodifiableList(). It's unclear whether having a link this
way implies that it's part of the specification that these fields must
be instances returned from that method. Removing the link makes it clear
that saying the List is unmodifiable is merely a description of the
required behavior.

I spoke with Joe Darcy (our compatibility guru) and we agreed that out
of an abundance of caution it would be wise to file a request to make
this change. (This is the "CCC" - basically an internal change control
process for Java SE specifications.) Doing this is mainly for tracking
purposes, as we believe this to be a compatible change.

I've also included in this request a mention of the change to
CookieManager.get() which we had discussed previously. Even though we
believe this is also a compatible change, it's also a change that should
be tracked.

I'll follow up when this bit of process is finished.


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