On Wed, Nov 25, 2009 at 12:10:55PM -0500, David Golden wrote:
> I was thinking about Tim's email more and want to add that I think it
> is worth it to have more testers submitting reports even for common
> platforms.  We're nowhere near having statistically valid samples on
> most distributions on common platforms.  If we get to the point where
> we have 10 or 15 reports from platform X with identical config
> settings, then I think we can start encouraging those testers to
> diversify more.

Currently, I'm testing on each of the plethora of OSs I have at my disposal
a number of perls with the following build options:

-Dusethreads -Duse64bitint


(no build options)

Not a problem to add more combinations to the mix (besides available diskspace) 
I keep separate CPANPLUS::YACSmoke histories for each perl


Chris Williams
aka BinGOs
PGP ID 0x4658671F

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