When the workshop first came out, valve released a few maps that have a
system similar to what you describe.  You might want to take a look at how
they implemented the spawns and capture points.

One such example is:

On Tue, Oct 14, 2014 at 3:25 PM, Michael Mayea <mikema...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I've been working on a new game mode for CSGO powered by vscripts. The
> purpose is to provide a competitive game mode that requires 50% less time
> commitment, and is also coupled with a DM style respawn system in order to
> increase the frequency of encounters.
> The mode features two control zones CT's must defend. Terrorists can
> capture a zone by being present in the area if CT's are not present. If one
> zone is captured, new events are triggered through listening entities.
> Now because I'm using a DM style respawn system, I want to prevent players
> from entering the opposing teams spawn, so I want to be able to create
> force fields which are team specific, and it is important that players can
> backtrack and rotate so I cannot create a hard physical 1 way direction
> limitation, it has to be team specific.
> I appreciate Valve's time, if they were to implement this feature, I would
> most certainly utilize it and release to the workshop with the goal of
> spawning an entirely new competitive meta game for CSGO. (I've accepted the
> insurmountable probability!)
> I've already heavily invested my time into this project, and I've even
> been developing my own artistic flair to match the zany nature of the new
> game mode. No pressure on Valve, I will eventually solve this problem, but
> if they could enable me to do this in a less hacky manner I would greatly
> appreciate it. Here's a glimpse into my new art theme I've been developing,
> inspired by Quake. The map is ready for testing as soon as I can resolve
> this issue.
> http://cloud-4.steampowered.com/ugc/44233222326671780/1ED4D5C316B1CD1769A72E4871655E0FB5410DC3/
> On Tue, Oct 14, 2014 at 3:55 PM, ics <i...@ics-base.net> wrote:
>> What you are looking for would be func_respawnroomvisualizer but it
>> doesn't exist in CSGO, only in TF2 and DOD Source.
>> Valve would need to add support for it. Tell us what you are doing and
>> they might do a compliment and implement it.
>> -ics
>> Michael Mayea kirjoitti:
>>> This does not appear to block players, only physics objects, after
>>> testing. I textured it trigger, made a logic_auto ensure it started
>>> enabled, set the filter to both allow / disallow, tried both teams, I could
>>> no get this to function as desired.
>>> On Tue, Oct 14, 2014 at 3:08 PM, Jesse Oak <wazanato...@gmail.com
>>> <mailto:wazanato...@gmail.com>> wrote:
>>>     https://developer.valvesoftware.com/wiki/Func_clip_vphysics is
>>>     what I would try
>>>     On Oct 14, 2014 1:51 PM, "Michael Mayea" <mikema...@gmail.com
>>>     <mailto:mikema...@gmail.com>> wrote:
>>>         I'm in need of a way from preventing T's or CT's from entering
>>>         certain areas, I'm presently using a filter entity with a
>>>         func_push but it's not working very well. The helpers for
>>>         func_push are not very accurate for the push direction comes
>>>         from the center, so if you approach from the side you are push
>>>         sideways and not back. Also it seems that with enough
>>>         persistence you can always break through a func_push even with
>>>         a very high push force and entity thickness.
>>>         I'd really like to ditch this method all together, can anyone
>>>         think of a way to simply have team specific clips for CSGO?
>>>         How was this done in Day of Defeat Source?
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