On 2009/08/26 08:52 (GMT-0700) Michael Venables composed:

> david wrote:

>> Looked at it in FF3 on Linux. The serif font against the background 
>> had me squinting until I kicked the font size up a couple of steps 
>> (the strokes of the letters are thin, the color contrast between the 
>> thin letter strokes and background is low). Increasing the line 
>> spacing to 1.3 helped quite a bit. Getting rid of the dotty (to me) 
>> background helped more.

>> Since text is your main content, I think increasing readability of the 
>> text would be a good idea.

> Ah, yes -- Linux... I have to admit, I cheated here, and this was a good 
> reminder. I've got a Linux box, and I do a lot of work on it. 
> Unfortunately, font support on Linux is pretty bad. So my solution was 
> to install the same set of fonts I run on my Windows machines -- at 
> which point everything looked really nice, and I forgot how much I hated 
> it before.

Installing the Windows fonts isn't much help. You don't see what Linux users
without them see.

Linux font support has gotten much better in recent years. Most recent
distros install DejaVu by default, and many also include Liberation. Their
equivalents are:

DejaVu Sans = Lucida Console = Bitstream Vera Sans
DejaVu Sans = Verdana = Bitstream Vera Sans
DejaVu Serif = nothing really close; larger than Georgia; size close to
Verdana; (same as Bitstream Vera Serif)

Liberation Mono = Lucida Console
Liberation Sans = Arial/Helvetica
Liberation Serif = Times New (Roman)

You also have the option of just accepting their choice of default, or just
specifying  generic monospace, sans-serif, or serif.

> I tried bumping up the line height like you suggested, but it just 
> created really obnoxious rivers on my system. I'm guessing this is all 
> related to the font choice(s).

If you do a lot of nesting and font size adjustment, pure number line-heights
are less likely to cause trouble:

Your 252px limited links column is rather confusing at high resolution:

OTOH, the content paragraph lines are little on the long side, more like a
term paper (usually double-spaced) than a book (normally single spaced with
normal leading).
How much better to get wisdom than gold, to choose
understanding rather than silver. Proverbs 16:16 NKJV

 Team OS/2 ** Reg. Linux User #211409

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