
Sorry it took so long to reply. I had mail client problems yesterday.

On 8/26/2009 10:54 AM, Felix Miata wrote:
>> Ah, yes -- Linux... I have to admit, I cheated here, and this was a good
>> reminder. I've got a Linux box, and I do a lot of work on it.
>> Unfortunately, font support on Linux is pretty bad. So my solution was
>> to install the same set of fonts I run on my Windows machines -- at
>> which point everything looked really nice, and I forgot how much I hated
>> it before.
> Installing the Windows fonts isn't much help. You don't see what Linux users
> without them see.
True, but the standard suggestion for the better part of a decade (at 
least) was to install the Windows web font pack. And it's still 
something that comes up in Google searches, so who knows how many people 
are still following that advice.

Now that I think about it, I don't really know what the font situation 
on Mac OS is, either. Should probably do a bit of looking into that.

> Linux font support has gotten much better in recent years. Most recent
> distros install DejaVu by default, and many also include Liberation. Their
> equivalents are:
> DejaVu Sans = Lucida Console = Bitstream Vera Sans
> DejaVu Sans = Verdana = Bitstream Vera Sans
> DejaVu Serif = nothing really close; larger than Georgia; size close to
> Verdana; (same as Bitstream Vera Serif)
> Liberation Mono = Lucida Console
> Liberation Sans = Arial/Helvetica
> Liberation Serif = Times New (Roman)
This is great info. Thanks!

> You also have the option of just accepting their choice of default, or just
> specifying  generic monospace, sans-serif, or serif.
I know about specifying the generics, but how do you leverage the user 
choice of default?

>> I tried bumping up the line height like you suggested, but it just
>> created really obnoxious rivers on my system. I'm guessing this is all
>> related to the font choice(s).
> If you do a lot of nesting and font size adjustment, pure number line-heights
> are less likely to cause trouble:
> http://fm.no-ip.com/auth/line-height-inherit.html
That little article was fascinating.

> Your 252px limited links column is rather confusing at high resolution:
> http://fm.no-ip.com/SS/SC/sc-michve03.png
How interesting. I haven't seen the site do that before (except under IE6).

What tool are you using for the analysis?

> OTOH, the content paragraph lines are little on the long side, more like a
> term paper (usually double-spaced) than a book (normally single spaced with
> normal leading).
I completely agree. I've been thinking that I probably need to go back 
and cut the line length down (probably 25% at least). Your comment was 
good incentive to go back and do that.



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