-Caveat Lector-

On Tue, 5 Jan 1999, Hawk wrote:
>> Bullshit.  The Indian elephant's in trouble due to loss of it's natural
>> habitat...
>Maybe I should have said "Domesticated Indian elephants."  You're back to talking
>about "wild" elephants that "belong to the people."

And just WHERE do you think those 'domesticated Indian elephants' get

Do you really think that privately owned Indian elephants in the
increasingly urbanized southeast Asia get put into garages, complete with
automatic dooropeners, every night?

I stand by my statement...the DOMESTICATED Indian elephant is also in
trouble, due to the loss of its natural habitat.

>Proves my point.... As long as there was a "use" for elephants, and people were
>allowed to own them for their personal use, there was no danger of them becoming

Proves absolutely nothing of what you claim...your contention was that
AFRICAN elephants should be privately owned like some Indian elephants
are...ignoring the FACT that African elephants are basically untrainable.

You also ignore the fact of the USES the Indian elephant was put to, and
therefore fail to recognize WHY the Indian elephant, privately owned tho
many of them may be, is becoming increasingly rare...

It would make as much sense to argue that Saudis and Kuwaitis should go
back to using camels instead of driving cars...

>I don't think they
>were "put here" for entertainment purposes (i.e. vacation trips to Africa, or even
>to the zoo, to "see the elephants.")

I would not presume to second-guess God's mind in WHY elephants...or any
other species...was put on Earth...neither would I presume to state that
eliminating any species would have little, or no, effect on the greater

But my guess is that God will treat each one of us by the way we treated
the lesser species in our care/dominion...


      The melancholy days are come, the saddest of the year,
      Of wailing winds and naked woods, and meadows brown and sear.
        -- Wm. Cullen Bryant:  The Death of the Flowers
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