From:   Dave Reay, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

><My own experience of the police involvement with this evil
>event come from the apparent joy these blokes gained
>from being able to deprive innocent citizens of their
>lawfully owned property. >
>I know each one of the officers personally who officiated
>at the infamous surrender of private property. I am
>staggered to hear you talk about them
>like this. I will take them to task!
Are you taking the piss! I am rapidly coming to the opinion that you are
trying to use psychology to make this moderated NG into a censored NG. I
KNOW HOW I WAS TREATED BY THE THIEVES. We have been more than polite
with you and it is now time we told you to f*** off elsewhere and try
your mind games with others. This may not be politically correct or
"worthy of us" but it is the truth. Steve, if you find correlations
between the way the Nazi's acted and the way the police are acting now
then do not hesitate to speak of them. We are all adults with brains in
our heads, We can decide for ourselves whether to accept or reject any
comments made on this NG. We must not allow the sensibilities of one, to
suppress valid and pertinent condemnation of the way we are policed in
this country today. If the police do not like this condemnation they
should alter their ways. We are not all criminals that have not yet been
caught, the vast majority of us are law abiding citizens that are
getting pissed off at the attitude of the police! If "IG" is as white as
he would have us believe he is painted then he should have no problem
with our condemnation of bad police work or malpractice within the
police force. That is not a "racist" remark but a term that was in
common use before all this "politically correct" bulls--t started, in
much the same way as "gay" used to mean merry, happy or lighthearted.
Where the Hell did we go wrong? 

Dave Reay

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