On Wed, 1 Mar 2000, Tom Vogt wrote:

> Jim Choate wrote:
> > > two different explanations. how can we find out which one is closer to
> > > the truth?
> > 
> > What truth? 
> in our time, if it exists, it's probably patented.

I'd say there is never any truth, only observations and opinions.
Everything else is mental masturbation.

> > What makes you think there couldn't be even more factors like
> > religous, economic, or raw resource issues as well.
> > 
> > Quit looking for easy answers.
> I wasn't. just pointing out that neither of them will be "The" answer.

The point is there isn't an answer in the context you imply.

The only way to protect a political system is to recognize that all
political systems are open to abuse. And that people are wired to abuse in
one way or another. Everyone wants to be exempt from the rules or hold a
special place in the scheme of things. Hubris.

So far today, no political system outside of democracy has recognized this
fact. It is also the only form that recognizes that individual people will
things their individual ways. Even pundits of things like crypto-anarchy
aren't immune and from what I've seen they're one of the first to holler
foul (e.g. CDR in the titles) if they don't like something. So much for
respect of individual freedom.

> > > and again there's the question of whether an ideal should be followed if
> > > it is proven to be so volatile.
> > 
> > Not sure what you mean by volatile in this context. All ideas are
> > volatile.
> I mean "turn into a tyranny at first opportunity" in this context. I
> would expect the "ideal state" to be a little more resistent to the
> stalins and hitlers of our world.

Oh, you're confused. That isn't the ideas, that's the people. Learn to
seperate their domains distinctly in your mind.

It isn't democracies fault it was abused, it didn't have anything to say
in the matter of implimentation. That's just people promising and others
believing in angels amond men.

A good example is Austin has instituted a $10 dog registration fee. That
fee is simply a license from the city to own a dog or cat. If you don't
register they can kill the animal and fine you $2000. They can also come
on to your property and take your animals and then charge you approx. $50
per animal for return and no charges are filed or opportunity for review
is given. Don't pay you dont' get your animal, after 72 hours they give it
away to the first person that walks through the door that asks for it.
When I ask people about it they, without exception mind you, say that it
isn't right but there isn't anything they can do about it.

People have been trained to be victims by a fascist faction of our

Now ask yourself how that fascism gets represented over and over in system
after system?

It's because those sorts of people are attracted to the power and the
authority, not to mention that it puts them in a special class outside the
regular rules. Abusive personalities are attracted to power because it's
the only way they may abuse with impunity.

Now ask yourself who is the first person in line to take a loyalty oath?
The person with intent to break it of course.

We need to remove the legal protections of both individuals in government
offices and those government offices for abuses.

Government of the people
For the people
By the people

(Not that I'm a Lincoln follower mind you, after all he is the one who
 began the whole 'federal is supreme authority' bullshit'. Typical lying
 cheating tyrant lawyer/politician.)


            The future is downloading. Can you hear the impact?

                                        O[rphan] D[rift>]
                                        Cyber Positive

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