On Wed, 1 Mar 2000, Tom Vogt wrote:

> Jim Choate wrote:
> > > in our time, if it exists, it's probably patented.
> > 
> > I'd say there is never any truth, only observations and opinions.
> > Everything else is mental masturbation.
> that depends a lot. I wouldn't (anymore) doubt that there are simple
> truths within context. for example, there IS truth in the field of
> mathematics. 1+1=2 is a true mathematical statement. if you apply it to
> something else (like biology) you destroy the context, and thus the
> truth value.

Truth with context is opinion or observation, not truth.

No, 1+1=2, is not a true mathematical statement as you present it. It has
to be in context. There are other contexts where this 'truth' is incorrct.

Chemistry: 1+1=1 (CN) or 1+2=1 (H20)

Mod 12 math (ie clocks): 1-2=-11 (remember AM is the opposite of PM)
> > > I wasn't. just pointing out that neither of them will be "The" answer.
> > 
> > The point is there isn't an answer in the context you imply.
> is that a truth? <scnr> :)

No, an observation that context is critical to the discussion. In this
particular case blaiming the base political theories for their flawed
implimentation as a reflection of their theoretical worth without
recognizing the commen factor in ANY political system, the citizens and
their psychology, is plain silly.
> > The only way to protect a political system is to recognize that all
> > political systems are open to abuse. And that people are wired to abuse in
> > one way or another. Everyone wants to be exempt from the rules or hold a
> > special place in the scheme of things. Hubris.
> > 
> > So far today, no political system outside of democracy has recognized this
> > fact. 
> I doubt that. a lot of political systems did, their answer was just
> different from ACCEPTING it. many tyrannical government do fully
> recognize that the oppressed would like to be not oppressed and
> "something special" instead. it's just that their answer is yet more
> oppression.

Nice strawman, we're talking about the corruption of the state government
as a whole not some specific issue about how they handle opposition.

No political system, not implimentation mind you (another nice strawman on
your part, act as if they're the same and hope nobody notices), other than
democracy has ever recognized it's fundamental inability to resolve these

> democracy is the only political system that tries to make "being better
> then everyone else" a workable illusion for everyone. it's a bit like
> that old joke about drivers: 90% of drivers believe they are
> above-average.

That's a bullshit definition and probably explains your confusion to
a great degree.

No, democracy says that the relationship between the government and the
individual is identical for all. It has NOTHING to do with being better
with anyone. The mere fact that people want to be 'better' than others is
one of the prime failures of political systems.

No matter how much money you have, how smart you are, how many friends you
have, etc. is there any evidence that anyone is actualy better than anyone
else. Quite looking for angels among men, even yourself.


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                                        Cyber Positive

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