> I'm sorry to return to this but 'geographical restrictions' is a
> euphemism.  The term you want here is 'political restrictions'.  And
> yes, I do 'really' think they are a problem, in principle.  I think
> most open-source programmers care a lot about the freedom implied in
> code sharing, and it matters when that freedom is eroded or
> compromised.

Yep, you're right, they're political restrictions, and "geographic
restrictions" was a euphemism. I'm a huge believer in open source, but
personally, these political restrictions don't bother me at all.
However, you and Stefan had already both chimed in saying they did
bother you, so I'm very happy to pick another hosting option with no
argument, which is what I think I said above. I generally loathe
political debate, and I think cython-dev is a wildly inappropriate
place for it, so I was happy to stick with trying to avoid it
altogether -- hence the wording that tried to sidestep the political
issues. I'm just trying to figure out what (if anything) we're giving
up by dropping code.google.com from the list.

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