John wrote:
> I'm not sure I'd call the traceback a ClassDesigner bug.  Almost all the path 
> issues that have been reported turn out to be user errors - at least that's 
> what I recall.  Such as the user does not understand the Dabo structure or 
> the user saves the cdxml file completely out of the project path.  In an 
> effort to catch the user path errors Ed has attempted to code around many of 
> the issues of "pathing"  and that is not easy.  It's much easier to have the 
> user save the file correctly.
> I for one, have not had any issue with path's using ClassDesigner.
> What can be said about ClassDesigner is:
> It may be missing a property/attrib because no one has noticed it missing or 
> reported it missing.  It crashes - yes.  But in fairness - I have never 
> reported the crashes - so how can Ed fix it.  I know Nate has had many 
> crashes but I don't recall Nate reporting the crashes either.  Why because I 
> (and I be Nate) can't repeat the crash.  
> ReportDesigner crashes too.  And I noticed that Larry has taken the time to 
> report the bugs and they get fixed.  I don't see much reported to Ed about 
> ClassDesigner
All of the bugs that I ran across when I was evaluating it heavily I 
ended up fixing.  However, I haven't used it for a good 2 years, so I 
can't really report any recent bugs.


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