Ed Leafe wrote:
> On Jan 21, 2010, at 1:34 PM, Jeff Johnson wrote:
>> I figured as much, but as a FoxPro guy the class designer is awesome.
>       For most people who develop desktop UIs, a WYSIWYG tool is essential; 
> we'll never get Dabo into general acceptance without a good one. A proper IDE 
> that has the concept of a 'project' is what is needed; with that, all of the 
> pathing issues that Jacek brings up would be moot, as the project would 
> handle relative pathing instead of us having to guess where files are.
>       Unfortunately, it's sort of a Catch-22: you need a large user base to 
> attract the developers to make this happen, while you can't get a large user 
> base until it happens. While we've gotten some external help, it's mostly 
> been things that are specific to that contributor's needs, and not general 
> support for the tool. 
>       One of the best things about the Class Designer is that it is a great 
> example of what you can build with Dabo: it's a 100% Dabo app! I stuck to 
> that principle, and whenever I found something that was difficult to do, I 
> improved the underlying framework, figuring that it would make it easier for 
> other developers, too.
>       If I hadn't been without work for most of 2005, the Class Designer 
> would never have been developed. I would need a similar long stretch of 
> uninterrupted focus to create the IDE, but unfortunately (well, actually, 
> fortunately!) I'm much too busy with work these days to spend the time that's 
> needed to get something like that done.
> -- Ed Leafe
Ed:  There are a lot of nice things about the class designer!  The 
property sheet for one.  Also the way you can do the tree view of your 
objects and double click on the object.  Also, running the form.  There 
are so many things I like about the class designer I can't think of them 
all right now.  I am sure VFP guys will take to it fine.

Especially with guys like me advertising.  ;^)


Jeff Johnson
Phoenix Python User Group - sunpigg...@googlegroups.com
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