On Thursday 21 January 2010 01:24:23 am Jacek Kałucki wrote:
>    File "c:\SVN\dabodev\ide\ClassDesignerComponents.py", line 49, in
> getDesignerDict
>      if os.path.exists(clsPath):
>    File "C:\Python25\lib\ntpath.py", line 255, in exists
>      st = os.stat(path)
> TypeError: coercing to Unicode: need string or buffer, NoneType found

I'm not sure I'd call the traceback a ClassDesigner bug.  Almost all the path 
issues that have been reported turn out to be user errors - at least that's 
what I recall.  Such as the user does not understand the Dabo structure or 
the user saves the cdxml file completely out of the project path.  In an 
effort to catch the user path errors Ed has attempted to code around many of 
the issues of "pathing"  and that is not easy.  It's much easier to have the 
user save the file correctly.

I for one, have not had any issue with path's using ClassDesigner.

What can be said about ClassDesigner is:
It may be missing a property/attrib because no one has noticed it missing or 
reported it missing.  It crashes - yes.  But in fairness - I have never 
reported the crashes - so how can Ed fix it.  I know Nate has had many 
crashes but I don't recall Nate reporting the crashes either.  Why because I 
(and I be Nate) can't repeat the crash.  

ReportDesigner crashes too.  And I noticed that Larry has taken the time to 
report the bugs and they get fixed.  I don't see much reported to Ed about 


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