On Friday 20 Jun 2003 10:38 pm, Dave Rolsky wrote:
> On Fri, 20 Jun 2003, Richard Evans wrote:
> > Dave Rolsky wrote:
> > > On Fri, 20 Jun 2003, Richard Evans wrote:
> > >> I'm looking at one further release before it hopefully goes into CVS
> > >> (will that be ok Dave?), so feedback is more important than ever!
> > >
> > > Is there any reason not to put it in CVS sooner (like now?).  There's
> > > some small tweaks I'd like to make but they're not really worth me
> > > sending you patches for them.
> >
> > There are a few rough edges left, which I know about, and guarantee to
> > have fixed by next weekend (or sooner) - that would definitely be a
> > cleaner release to have as the initial CVS import.
> I'm just talking about importing the conversion script, not the end
> result.

Oh - that's going to be a problem. 

The conversion script is a horrible mess - it's part of the other locale stuff 
I was (maybe still am) doing, and uses 10 other modules that are in a state 
of flux ATM. I also have a horrible feeling the ICU .xml file format had 
changed last time I looked at the CVS code.

Based off the glacial response I've got from the openI18N guys - "yeah, that 
looks wrong, we'll fix it" - now one and a half months later and no change 
yet - my gut feeling is that the Locale data should go into CVS as it is now. 

Corrections and additions would then go directly into the DT::Locale CVS 
rather than waiting weeks for fixes to get put into the ICU locales.

But I'm guessing that's not what you have in mind - do you want the DT::Locale 
code as it stands to go in, or are you only really interested in the 
conversion script? If it's the latter, I'll try to get it into a maintainable 
state, but that will take a while longer, no question about that!


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