> What will happen is end users find errors in the locale stuff, report it to
> DateTime or me, it gets forwarded to OpenI18N, who may or may not apply it
> when they feel so inclined - we'll have to wait like mugs, and users will get
> p*ssed off by the slow turnaround.

I agree with you here but maybe they'll eventually get better...

> > that'll be a big mess come the next ICU update, and it doesn't really
> > matter if that's one month or one year from now, because I'm hoping to
> > continue using this code for a long time.

But that doesn't stop you from including the generator.  Just in case...

> The one exception to this would be additions, and in that case I can generate
> any new locales for the time being - I'm not saying that I'll never release
> the generator code, simply that it's not feasible in the short term.

Maybe a list of additions and modules that have been modified from the generated 



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