On Sat, 21 Jun 2003, Richard Evans wrote:

> The conversion script is a horrible mess - it's part of the other locale stuff
> I was (maybe still am) doing, and uses 10 other modules that are in a state
> of flux ATM. I also have a horrible feeling the ICU .xml file format had
> changed last time I looked at the CVS code.
> Based off the glacial response I've got from the openI18N guys - "yeah, that
> looks wrong, we'll fix it" - now one and a half months later and no change
> yet - my gut feeling is that the Locale data should go into CVS as it is now.
> Corrections and additions would then go directly into the DT::Locale CVS
> rather than waiting weeks for fixes to get put into the ICU locales.
> But I'm guessing that's not what you have in mind - do you want the DT::Locale
> code as it stands to go in, or are you only really interested in the
> conversion script? If it's the latter, I'll try to get it into a maintainable
> state, but that will take a while longer, no question about that!

We can't put the generated code in CVS without the generator.  We need to
be able to make changes in stuff like Locale.pm without having to email
you and ask you to do it.


House Absolute Consulting

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