On Saturday 21 Jun 2003 9:03 pm, Dave Rolsky wrote:
> On Sat, 21 Jun 2003, Richard Evans wrote:
> > On Saturday 21 Jun 2003 4:16 am, Dave Rolsky wrote:
> > > On Sat, 21 Jun 2003, Richard Evans wrote:
> > > > The one exception to this would be additions, and in that case I can
> > > > generate any new locales for the time being - I'm not saying that
> > > > I'll never release the generator code, simply that it's not feasible
> > > > in the short term.
> > >
> > > Why isn't it feasible?  Just release it and I'll clean it up if
> > > necessary.
> > >
> > > I'm not willing to check in generated code without having the generator
> > > available, though.  If you're really not willing to release yours, I'll
> > > just write one from scratch that generates the same output.
> >
> > Well ok, if that's your attitude go ahead - I won't bother you again.
> I think it's your attitude that's a bit odd.  You want a free software
> project to use code generated from non-free software.  I don't like that
> practically or ideologically.

That is totally untrue - ALL the DateTime::Locale code is generated from free 
software - the OpenI18N ICU locale data is released under the IBM ICU 
license, and Yeha can be freely used - none of that is non-free.

> Honestly, if I had understood from the beginning that you weren't
> interested in sharing the generator code I would have suggested that you
> not work on it for the DateTime project, for this exact reason.  I do

I never said I was providing a generator, simply that I would provide data 
converted from ICU. It's wrong to imply that I'm not interested in sharing 
it, because that was never a stated goal. 

I've provided a code base which is open source and totally free, and that base 
could be used for further development. I've already said why I believe that 
would be more practical for handling user supplied corrections, rather than 
the more "correct" way of regenerating the complete set every time 
OpenI18N/ICU releases a new set of locale files.

Equally, I have not said that I won't release the generator, but I'm not 
prepared to release it in its current state.

The generator code relies on a number of other modules that have NOTHING to do 
with DateTime - these are modules that I'm writing for my locale stuff, and 
I'm not prepared to release these until I'm happy with them - there's nothing 
unreasonable with my attitude here. If you assumed all the code I've written 
is purely for DT, that would be a different matter, but that is massively not 
the case.

I did not write a generator to take ICU .xml data and dump out DT::Locale code 
- I hacked some rough code into my ICU locale framework to spit out modules I 
thought might be useful to DT. These are the reasons why I'm not releasing it 

I'll rewrite the generator so it doesn't rely on my other work - so please, no 
more comments on why I'm being unreasonable in not releasing the generator - 
I've stated my reasons and I hope folks can respect that. Once done it will, 
of course, be released to DateTime. 

But if this seems unreasonable, TELL ME NOW - I don't want to waste my time 


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