On 16/01/2024 04:19, David Christensen wrote:
$ ll -1 .thunderbird/dpchrist/*/*/msgFilterRules.dat
-rw-r--r-- 1 dpchrist dpchrist   25 2024-01-15 12:50:34 .thunderbird/dpchrist/ImapMail/november.he-1.net/msgFilterRules.dat -rw-r--r-- 1 dpchrist dpchrist 1011 2024-01-15 13:07:32 .thunderbird/dpchrist/ImapMail/november.he.net/msgFilterRules.dat

I have realized that I may be wrong. I confused november.he-3.net and november.he.net-3. Perhaps november.he-1.net was obtained from your email using an autoconfiguration protocol. However I am still surprised that 2 ImapMail directories have been updated.

If you are interested in going deeper, I would check modification time of various files under november.he*.net and would had a look into .thunderbird/dpchrist/prefs.js. Currently used dirs are like mail.server.server1.directory (with various numbers).

There are some open bugs related to changing server name, e.g.
however I am unsure that any of them may be relevant to your configuration.

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