On 14/01/2024 20:10, Felix Miata wrote:
Most likely the location is the same as in SeaMonkey, where there is one filter
file per account, which is by default, thus:


I believe in TB the default may be:


Mozilla profiles located in other locations are supported. They need not be
anywhere in /home/ if properly configured and permissioned.

I generally stay away from Gene threads, because they lead to nowhere, but I found out that in the same directory that msgFilterRules.dat resides there's a filterlog.html file that might contain information about run filters. (I can't say for sure because I don't use Thunderbird filters.)

Unfortunately, Gene may have already deleted his whole home directory, including ~/.thunderbird (or not - who knows), so the log is gone.

In my system the directory is actually


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department of transportation.


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