On 7/19/06, Kevin Bilbee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
If revenue would not be lost without it and it costs you money to provide then 
what is the business case for providing the service?

In 2006, for any small operator, nothing insofar as the service itself
is concerned.  You only do it to provide a complete solution for
customers, and you do it at a loss.  If I could cut out email I could
cut out 50% of the server resources I have in place (and which I just
finished tripling).  The increasingly difficult model for the small
ISP dictated my shift into an emphasis on contract programming and
away from design and hosting.

So when a company that caters to the small business -- who as a body
are pretty much all in the same boat -- and seeks to increase their
costs in a market where consumer perception is that they're already an
expensive choice (I am cutting fees to existing customers to keep
them... not raising them)... well thats going to be a mighty tough
sell to anyone who is in the trenches and understands fully what they
are up against.

I came into this thread a little late and if my read on the posts from
Declude is any indication, some of this is sinking in.  I'll make a
decision after I see what the revenue sharing program looks like.

As an aside to Declude to explain where I am coming from: I was a
Declude user for a couple of years and left it for an open source
solution, which I am still reasonably happy with, but -- since I am
already going to the trouble of rebuilding all of my mail services on
new servers right now -- am willing to reconsider if I can get a
qualitative advantage for a justifiable cost.

Janitor, MSB Web Systems

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