Am Montag, 19. Dezember 2005 18:15 schrieben Sie:


>   If we don't have a GNOME file picker available, f.e., we  
> use our XUL one.  Bringing up a GTK1-era file-selection-bag-of-
> widgets instead would make us frown, or even use coarse language.

Actually this is exactly the our common goal!

> > IMHO the RUDI approach allows to share this effort in an efficient  
> > manner as
> > the ISVs don't have to care much about than simply using it.
> I think I need to understand RUDI better to appreciate what the  
> benefits are in exchange for requiring apps to go through DBUS and  
> XML (or some such?) to get a file dialog open.  And I already have a  
> fair bit of XML stuff at my disposal, perhaps unlike many other ISVs.

I am sorry that the documentation is so sparse and incomplete. RUDI does _not_ 
require the ISVs to explicitly use DBUS or parse _any_ XML. All the 
complexity here is hidden in a toolkit specific RUDI library. 

The idea is that Java people can use the Java RUDI lib, GNOME 3rd party 
developers can use the gtk/gnome flavour of the RUDI lib and Qt developers 
can use a Qt-like API.

In principle this means that the _implementation_ (not only language bindings) 
are toolkit specific in order to make everyone feel like a 1st class citizen. 

The RUDI lib then has the job to talk the XML based protocoll across a 
transport mechanism e.g. DBUS(*) to the RUDI service provider (a desktop 
service available for GNOME, KDE and maybe even others). 

-- martin
(*) I am refering always to dbus because it has the potential to become 
cross-platform. From my personal point of view Miguels idea of using plain 
http is very fine also.

Erlewein, Frank, Konold & Partner - Beratende Ingenieure und Physiker

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