Am Freitag, 16. Dezember 2005 12:13 schrieben Sie:


> How long will it take until RUDI is available? 

Basically it is a matter of comming to common grounds with the GNOME desktop 

Limiting RUDI to just one desktop would not help the Linux Desktop as a whole. 
The later is a very important goal for me.

Last but not least the time required depends pretty much on how much resources 
get allocated to the task.

If the resource question is solved I exepct from a technical point of view 
that some really nicely working stuff e.g. JAVA or GTK apps integrated with 
KDE could be done within 12 weeks and another 12 weeks to get most stuff 
working on GNOME. 

>From KDEs inherent OSS schedule RUDI is for KDE 4.

-- martin

Erlewein, Frank, Konold & Partner - Beratende Ingenieure und Physiker

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