Am Freitag, 16. Dezember 2005 14:14 schrieb Michael Sweet:

Hi Michael,

> > It is a bad design decision for an application to directly link to the
> > cups client library (ABI concerns,...) but it is much better to use a
> > protocol based interface to use the full potential of CUPS.
> I strongly disagree with this, mainly because the CUPS API (and
> associated ABI) is very stable and will remain so 

But it adds another runtime requirement to the application. When using 
traditional linking this means that the application will fail at runtime if 
the appropriate cups client library is not available.

> The following ASCII block diagram may be useful:
>      +--------------------------------+
>      |          Application           |
>      +--------------------------------+
>      +------------------+ +-----------+
>      |     Toolkit      | | Print API |
>      |       +----------+ |           |
>      |
>      |       | +--------+ |           |
>      |       |
>      |       | |  RUDI  | |           |
>      +-------+ +--------+ |           |
>      +--------------------+           |
>      +--------------------------------+
>      +--------------------------------+
>      |         Printing System        |
>      +--------------------------------+

      |          Application                  |
      +------------------+ +------------------+
      | Toolkit          | | RUDI Print API   |
      | independent from | | Toolkit specific |
      | DE used at       | +-------+----------+
      | runtime          +----+    |     +----+
      |                       |  wire    |    |           
      |                       | protocol |PAPI|
      |                       | via dbus |    |
      +-----------------------+    |     |    |
                                   |     |    |
                              +--------+ |    |
                              |  RUDI  | |    |
                              | Server | +----+
      +--------------------------------+ +----+
      | Desktop Environment            | |    |
      | (offering a RUDI print service | |CUPS|
      +--------------------------------+ +----+

I am trying to explain the situation from my POV. Basically the ISV 
application shall only link to the toolkit of joice which in many cases is 
not the toolkit of the desktop or a different version of the toolkit of the 
desktop e.g. Qt/Java or gtk. In addition the application shall link to the 
toolkit specific(*) RUDI library.

It is the job of the RUDI library to care for the abstraction of printing 
systems and to provide the fallback to PAPI or as a last resort the "native" 
toolkit specific printing mechanism (e.g. the native print dialog offering to 
enter the print command like firefox does currently)

Basically this means that the RUDI lib first tries to find a suitable RUDI 
server which offers the printing service and if this does fail for whatever 
reasons PAPI is tried next.

(*) from a technical point of view the toolkit specific RUDI library is 
provided for convinience reasons mainly so that e.g. Java programmers are not 
exposed to a generic RUDI library written in plain C.

-- martin

Erlewein, Frank, Konold & Partner - Beratende Ingenieure und Physiker
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