Am Montag, 19. Dezember 2005 03:33 schrieb Mike Shaver:


> On 18-Dec-05, at 4:30 PM, Martin Konold wrote:
> > But it adds another runtime requirement to the application. When using
> > traditional linking this means that the application will fail at
> > runtime if
> > the appropriate cups client library is not available.
> Yes, and this is a limitation of the Linux linking model that I think
> should be addressed with some urgency

Useing something like DT_USEFUL would put a lot of complexity in the code of 
the ISVs in order to handle all possible combinations of available 

This is a boring, error prone and repeated task for every ISV. 

IMHO the RUDI approach allows to share this effort in an efficient manner as 
the ISVs don't have to care much about than simply using it.

> Maybe it's adoption of something like Miguel's recent web desktop  
> hobby-horse, though I think that's probably a level of abstraction  
> (sorry: "service orientation") above what's hurting ISVs most today.

Where can I read about it? Is this similar to RUDI's service oriented 

-- martin

Erlewein, Frank, Konold & Partner - Beratende Ingenieure und Physiker

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