Frankly speaking, I think that we, most of asian developers,
has been the "free rider" in a some sense.
Though there are many localization projects, they don't seem
to be substantial contributions, in return for Open Community.

I don't know yet what the real reasons are for this loose-loose situation.
It can be language and cultural barriers. Or it can be ture that we didn't
understand so far what the "opensourcing" was exactly.

But the important thing is that CJK don't want to be a free rider any more.
I am sure that you should hear much more voices from asia
back to the Open Community in the near future.




"When minds interact, new ideas will emerge !!"
"In essentials unity, In non-essentials liberty, In all things charity."

On 6/10/06, Takaaki Higuchi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Bastian, Waldo wrote:
> The problem with the disconnect between the asian markets and current
> open source development communities is that in the above analysis these
> markets classify as a whole in the "free rider" category which makes
> them essentially uninteresting for the development community. A
> loose-loose situation for both sides.
Some might be "free rider", but language barrier is very high
for us in my observation at least in Japan.

There are so many localized development efforts, but sometimes
they are not put back to the upstreams. In most of cases,
there are some mis or no communications because of language barrier.

Takaaki Higuchi

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