On Sat, Jun 10, 2006 at 01:41:06PM +0900, Takaaki Higuchi wrote:
> Bastian, Waldo wrote:
> > The problem with the disconnect between the asian markets and current
> > open source development communities is that in the above analysis these
> > markets classify as a whole in the "free rider" category which makes
> > them essentially uninteresting for the development community. A
> > loose-loose situation for both sides.
> Some might be "free rider", but language barrier is very high
> for us in my observation at least in Japan.
> There are so many localized development efforts, but sometimes
> they are not put back to the upstreams. In most of cases,
> there are some mis or no communications because of language barrier.

Is there a way for specific projects to get into contact with these
localization efforts in Japan?  With Inkscape, we've really started
putting a huge amount of focus into translation.  A new translator has
recently improved our Chinese translation from 5% to 99% (both zh_CN and
zh_TW are at 98-99%), and Korean has improved from 8 to 40%.  It would
be great to connect with one of the localization efforts to help bring
Inkscape's Japanese translation up to date (it's currently at 60% but
has not received significant attention in years).


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