On Mon, Jun 12, 2006 at 11:33:11AM -0700, John Cherry wrote:
> - Enterprise desktop management (configuration management, software
>   installations, software upgrades, integrated defect tracking, remote
>   management, etc.).  Products exist for most/all of these
>   capabilities, but those considering enterprise deployments need to
>   be educated/convinced.
> Are we missing any other obvious inhibitors?  Sometimes it is the
> elephant in the room that is the most difficult to see.

Well, one potential elephant in the room issue with the enterprise
desktop management may be a question of if there is any fragmentation
here in how these are solved across distros?  Are there steps that could
be taken to ensure enterprise users have a compatible solution for these
things regardless of what Linux distro(s) they're using?

(I think the thing that makes this into an unmentionable elephant is
that this area has a lot of quite valid value-add / competitive
advantage aspects.)

As an example of something we've run into at OSDL, it'd be handy to be
able to do version verification/upgrade across a heterogeneous
collection of distros.  So when there's a bulletin that foobar-1.23
needs to be upgraded to foobar-1.23.1, some tool could translate this
into the set of commands necessary to upgrade machines of distro A to
1.23.1-7, distro B to 1.24-1, get debian and gentoo resync and update,

OSDL is probably a corner case since by nature we run just about every
distro, but the advantage of having this capability is that it reduces
lock-in for the end user, and allows them flexibility in selecting
distros to run (i.e., they could use distro A for servers, distro B for
non-technical staff, distro C for engineers, etc.)  Obviously, if I were
a distro I'd want the customer to use my distro for all three use cases,
but I think the ability to use the best distro for a given job class
makes the most sense.

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