On Sat, Jul 4, 2020 at 12:52 PM mark.arnott1--- via dev-security-policy <
dev-security-policy@lists.mozilla.org> wrote:

> This is insane!
> Those 300 certificates are used to secure healthcare information systems
> at a time when the global healthcare system is strained by a global
> pandemic.  I have to coordinate with more than 30 people to make this
> happen.  This includes three subsidiaries and three contract partner
> organizations as well as dozens of managers and systems engineers.  One of
> my contract partners follows the guidance of an HL7 specification that
> requires them to do certificate pinning.  When we replace these
> certificates we must give them 30 days lead time to make the change.

As part of this, you should re-evaluate certificate pinning. As one of the
authors of that specification, and indeed, my co-authors on the
specification agree, certificate pinning does more harm than good, for
precisely this reason.

Ultimately, the CA is responsible for following the rules, as covered in
https://wiki.mozilla.org/CA/Responding_To_An_Incident#Revocation . If
they're not going to revoke, such as for the situation you describe,
they're required to treat this as an incident and establish a remediation
plan to ensure it does not happen again. In this case, a remediation plan
certainly involves no longer certificate pinning (it is not safe to do),
and also involves implementing controls so that it doesn't require 30
people, across three subsidiaries, to replace "only" 300 certificates. The
Baseline Requirements require those certificates to be revoked in as short
as 24 hours, and so you need to design your systems robustly to meet that.

There are proposals to the Baseline Requirements which would ensure this is
part of the legal agreement you make with the CA, to make sure you
understand these risks and expectations. It's already implicitly part of
the agreement you made, and you're expected to understand the legal
agreements you enter into. It's unfortunate that this is the first time
you're hearing about them, because the CA is responsible for making sure
their Subscribers know about this.

> After wading through this very long chain of messages I see little
> discussion of the impact this will have on end users.  Ryan Sleevi, in the
> name of Google, is purporting to speak for the end users, but it is obvious
> that Ryan does not understand the implication of applying these rules.

I realize you're new here, and so I encourage you to read
https://wiki.mozilla.org/CA/Policy_Participants for context about the
nature of participation.

I'm very familiar with the implications of applying these rules, both
personally and professionally. This is why policies such as
https://wiki.mozilla.org/CA/Responding_To_An_Incident#Revocation exist.
This is where such information is shared, gathered, and considered, as
provided by the CA. It is up to the CA to demonstrate the balance of
equities, but also to ensure that going forward, they actually adhere to
the rules they agreed to as a condition of trust. Simply throwing out
agreements and contractual obligations when it's inconvenient,
*especially *when
these were scenarios contemplated when they were written and CAs
acknowledged they would take steps to ensure they're followed, isn't a
fair, equitable, or secure system.

This is the unfortunate nature of PKI: as a system, the cost of revocation
is often not properly accounted for when CAs or Subscribers are designing
their systems, and so folks engage in behaviours that increase risk, such
as lacking automation or certificate pinning. For lack of a better analogy,
it's like a contract that was agreed, a service rendered, and then refusing
to pay the invoice because it turns out, it's actually more than you can
pay. We wouldn't accept that within businesses, so why should we accept
here? CAs warrant to the community that they understand the risks and have
designed their systems, as they feel appropriate, to account for that. That
some have failed to do is unfortunate, but that highlights poor design by
the CA, not the one sending the metaphorical invoice for what was agreed to.

Just like with invoices that someone can't pay, sometimes it makes sense to
work on payment plans, collaboratively. But now that means the person who
was expecting the money similarly may be short, and that can quickly
cascade into deep instability, so has to be done with caution. That's what
https://wiki.mozilla.org/CA/Responding_To_An_Incident#Revocation is about

However, if someone is regularly negligent in paying their bills, and have
to continue to work on payment agreements, eventually, you'll stop doing
business with them, because you realize that they are a risk. That's the
same as when we talk about distrust.

Peter Bowen says
> > ... simply revoking doesn't solve the issue; arguably it makes it
> >  worse than doing nothing.
> You are absolutely right, Peter.  Doctors will not be able to communicate
> with each other effectively and people could die if the CA/B forum
> continues to blindly follow its rules without consideration for the greater
> impact this will have on the security of the internet.

To be clear; "the issue" we're talking about is only truly 'solved' by the
rotation and key destruction. Anything else, besides that, is just a risk
calculation, and the CA is responsible for balancing that. Peter's
highlighting how the fix for the *compliance* issued doesn't fix the
*security* issue, as other CAs, like DigiCert, have also noted.

The process, as described at
https://wiki.mozilla.org/CA/Responding_To_An_Incident#Revocation ,
understands these tradeoffs and acknowledges that CAs, by and large, have
been derelict in their duties to balance them. It's easy to blame folks
holding CAs accountable to their commitments and contractual obligations,
but that doesn't make a better system. CAs that are faced in these
difficult positions are supposed to come up with plans to correct it, but
the system has to be moving to a place where this no longer happens. This
can be by the eventual distrusting of a CA that continues to have incidents
and fails to design for them, or by the distrusting of a CA that continues
to disregard their commitments. It's possible for a single incident to be
so severe it leads to distrust, but in general, these incidents are viewed
as collaborations where the CA comes up with a plan to systematically
identify the issue and fix it.
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