Matt Palmer via dev-security-policy <> 

>If you're unhappy with the way which your interests are being represented by
>your CA, I would encourage you to speak with them.

It's not the CAs, it's the browsers, and many other types of clients.  Every
Internet-enabled (meaning web-enabled) device is treated by browsers as if it
were a public web server, no matter how illogical and nonsensical that
actually is.  You don't have a choice to opt out of the Web PKI because all of
the (mainstream) clients you can use force you into it.  Ever tried connecting
to a local (RFC1918 LAN) IoT device that has a self-signed cert?

It's not really the CAs that are the problem, everything you're likely to use
assumes there's only the Web PKI and nothing else.  When the clients all
enforce use of the Web PKI, there's no way out even if the CAs want to help

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