
----- Original Message -----
From: "Lucas Adamski" <ladam...@mozilla.com>
To: "Jared Wein" <jw...@mozilla.com>
Cc: "Asa Dotzler" <a...@mozilla.com>, "Kev Needham" <k...@mozilla.com>, 
"security-group group" <security-gr...@mozilla.org>, "Madhava Enros" 
<men...@mozilla.com>, "Stephen Horlander" <shorlan...@mozilla.com>, "Justin 
Dolske" <jdol...@mozilla.com>, mozilla-dev-secur...@lists.mozilla.org
Sent: Monday, April 2, 2012 5:28:23 PM
Subject: Re: Opt-in activation for plugins (aka click to play)

> To be clear that's a 30 day sliding window from last time content was played 
> there.  So if you visit a given site with plugin content (say youtube.com) at 
> least once every 30 days, you conceivably should not see > that prompt again 
> unless you become vulnerable to a security issue.  

> Also, to be honest I'm picking arbitrary numbers like 30 days and 4 times 
> mostly to stimulate conversation. :)
in general, the sliding window approach is a pretty cool one - it removes my 
biggest objection
to these sort of 'doing something X times leads to magical implicit outcome Y' 
proposals - that the user
will be permanently opted in forever (possibly with no way to revoke this 

i'll defer to UX and product on the details, but i think not making this opt in 
is desirable.

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