On 6/21/12 12:11 PM, Dan B. wrote:
and someone else mentioned doing name resolution without going through
normal OS service calls.

That sounds like a bad idea: If the browser resolves names differently
from how everything else on the system (host/nslookup, ping, ssh,
mailers, ftp, etc.) resolves names (well, excluding the common browser
case of treating a name that is unresolvable as a host name to be a
search term), that's going to be really confusing.

It'll be confusing, but the fact of the matter is that the "OS service calls" are pretty broken for cases when you might have more than one hostname to resolve and might care about doing other things at the same time (like in a browser, say). There's pretty extensive discussion about the details elsewhere, but I fully expect we will end up with our own DNS resolver in the next 12-18 months, since none of the OSes in question are planning to improve the APIs they offer...

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