Sorry, coming to this a little late. I tend to agree with Elad that we
might be better off not even having 2.0/2.1, and I'll go further that we
should consider only listing main/latest/possibly n-1(e.g. 2.3.2).

I'm also concerned only showing the latest in every minor may imply those
are all getting bugfixes, while in fact only 2.3.x is. Plus, even if we
tell people to upgrade to the latest 2.2.x version (2.2.5 from 2.2.2, for
example) before reporting, the first thing we are going to ask in the issue
is "what about 2.3.3/main?".

Another option is a free test field instead, though this doesn't provide
the subtle hint you are after.

If we don't make it a free text field and don't enumerate all the versions,
we almost certainly want an "other" option? I'd rather give them that
escape hatch then have the wrong version in the easy to spot section and
their real version hidden in a wall of text.

I've opened this to take your change a bit further:

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