On Thu, Nov 20, 2008 at 9:32 AM, Stefan Bodewig <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> <target name="a"/>
> <target name="b" target-group="a"/>

[OT] I recently was thinking that <target ... target-group="..." /> is "heavy".

I think using <target ... group="..." /> is just as expressive.

> The *only* differences between <target> and <target-group> in trunk
> are:
> * <target-group>s must be empty

I like that.

> * you cannot use the target-group attribute to change the depends list
>  of a plain target

Hmmm, you've lost me again ;) What's a plain target? If it's one w/o a
(target-)?group attribute, the above sentence has a logical
contradiction that throws me off.

> <target name="b" before="a"> [...]
> and we don't need <target-group> at all. [...]
> This is just an idea, not that I'm conviced of it myself.

Now that I've been introduced to the notion of target group, I prefer
it to the before/after we were discussing earlier.

Target groups allow to define to high level structure of a build, it's
"flow" in a way, and builds to cleanly hook up into this flow.

It's a cleaner abstraction than the before/after one, and which I feel
would encourage before build designs. --DD

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