On Tue, Aug 16, 2016 at 1:34 PM, Benedict Elliott Smith
<bened...@apache.org> wrote:
> This topic is complex, and fully exploring all of the detail would be onerous 
> over email.

Out of curiosity, why; What makes this topic so difficult to discuss over email?

> DataStax, in my opinion, consciously tries to be a good citizen.  However 
> there
> are emergent properties of a system with this imbalance that are not 
> conscious,
> and are suboptimal, and it is not unreasonable for the Apache apparatus to
> try to "rectify" the imbalance.  I personally support that *in principle*, 
> but I think
> they're not going about it brilliantly right now.  I also doubt the success 
> of any
> such endeavour, given how difficult the problem is.

This.  A good first step in my opinion would be for us all to simply
recognize this.  An imbalance of this nature is not good for the
project, full stop.  No malice needs to be attributed, no effigies
burned, and it shouldn't be viewed as squaring up against those we
know and respect who are employed by Datastax.

Eric Evans

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