David Crossley wrote:
> Thanks, that will be suitable. Fiddling with the SitemapTask.java i 
> > can also getting a listing.
> > So i will be able to work out a solution. Thanks.
> Hmmm, no joy so far.
> Using the grep javadocs method does not find any serializers, 
> actions, matchers, selectors.
> Using the SitemapTask finds components only if their package 
> name is "o.a.c.transformation.Transformer" etc.
Hmmm, are you sure? The SitemapTaks is able (should be able to)
to generate docs for all sitemap components. It does so by using qdox
and introspecting the classes (if a class implements the
corresponding interface). 
For example, the task creates an xml document for a sitemap
component if the javadoc containes the corresponding javadoc tags.
I think the only sources that have this tag right now are transformers
in the o.a.c.transformation package, so this might be the reason.
But changing the SitemapTask to just spit out a list of all sitemap
components should be fairly easy. I can't help you with this today -
I'm now awake for more than 36 hours, but later this week should work.


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