On Wed, Jan 2, 2013 at 11:32 AM, Filip Maj <f...@adobe.com> wrote:
> Am I correct when I say that, with this approach, master becomes a series
> of merge commits coming from dev, then ?
That's correct!

> A couple questions to follow up:
> - "features get forked from stable" - forked from master, yes?

Yes! Feature branches start off master, not off the dev branch because
it's not stable and can change.

> - "features, when ready, tested against dev branch" - what does this mean?
> Does this mean, you would merge feature branch into dev branch (locally)
> then run tests to make sure things work?

Yes! That way if things don't work, we know it's within the past month
where we were changing things and have a much better shot of fixing
them than if we're doing dev on master.  It's a nice process tool to
have when you're working on a feature that takes multiple months to
find where your feature breaks instead of hunting through a git
history or spending hours blindly debugging.  I know that I've gone on
way too many fishing expeditions in our source.

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