On Tue, Feb 4, 2014 at 10:35 AM, Noah Slater <nsla...@apache.org> wrote:

> Benoit, it's not that you're "the bad guy" for disagreeing. The
> problem is when you filibuster people until they run out of energy.
> This has been a problem for a long time now.
> As we continue to grow CouchDB we need to get out of this mindset that
> unanimity is required to proceed on any action. You cannot scale a
> decision making process beyond a few people with that model. Our
> problems will only *worsen* unless we figure out way to solve this.
> You seem to be implying that my approach (which is not really my
> approach, but rather the Apache approach) is silencing or
> disempowering people.
> Quite the contrary.
> In fact, I have openly stated that anyone on this mailing list may
> raise a formal objection and I will immediately cease my current
> action. And I will then move this to a vote so that we can tally
> people's opinions.
> Nobody has done that yet. This is the 13th email now. And we're at 2549
> words.
> In fact, what I am doing is empowering.
> Because I'm also stating that anyone else can do this. If you (dear
> reader) have a proposal, and you are worried that you're going to be
> filibustered off the mailing list, I invite you to share it with the
> group.
> And I invite you to solicit clear, unambiguous objections. Do not let
> people send email after email with concerns, and nitpicks, and
> disquitions on nomenclature.
> Remind people: so far I have not heard an objection. If someone has a
> formal objection to make, please make it.
> > I had no response to the reasons I have gave (a "I read you" is not a
> response)
> It is a response. I understand your concerns. What else do you want me
> to say? There's nothing else to discuss. I still think the mailing
> list is a good idea. I want to try it as an experiment, and am happy
> to report back to the PMC.
> Beeing verbose is sometimes more polite than a simple "wtf" . I could be
rather short if you prefer, acting accordingly to my culture, but I am not
sure it would be constructive.

Anyway I did object. I did say why, I still object. The original thread
shows I am not the only one to think we don't need another list. It also
shows some want it.

These are facts. Now you can choose to create or not this maliling-list.

- benoit

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