Hi Wolfgang,

> Writing
>       <snip all necessary statements>
>       oQuery.Command = "SELECT * FROM " & "Journal"
> the table (also all other names) was not found.

  sQuoteChar = oConnection.getMetaData().getIdentifierQuoteString
try adding the |sQuoteChar| before and after the table name.

If you don't have a connection, yet, obtain one from the data source by
  oConnection = oDataSource.getConnection( "", "" )
but don't forget to clean it up later on, to not leak resources:

> Strange, all other statements accept strings with mixed case

which ones do?
If you do anything via the user interface, OOo adds the quote character
automatically, and often transparently so you won't notice it.

> Base saved.
> Later after restart the machine and clicking to 'Tables' in Base:
> <The connection to the data source "file..." could not be etabl...
>   File input/output error
>   "home..."pproperties java.io.IOException
>   No Outputstream

Argh, that sounds as if the database file got corrupted somehow. Would
be very interesting to know whether you can reproduce it step by step.

> Tried to remove and re-registration (tools>Options>OO Base>Databases
> All Tables gone ? :-((
> Reason?

Don't know :(

If you copy the .odb file to .zip, and look into it with an unzip tool -
what do you see?


- Frank Schönheit, Software Engineer         [EMAIL PROTECTED] -
- Sun Microsystems, Inc.                http://www.sun.com/staroffice -
- OpenOffice.org Database Access            http://dba.openoffice.org -
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