Hi Wolfgang,

> 2. Failed query 1: The MsgBox write the table identifier in Capitals 
> followed by the chosen name in mixed Upper/lower case:
> The query is working after renaming the table name in ALL CAPITALS.

It seems that our engine, HSQLDB, is indeed automatically capitalizing
all identifiers which are not quoted. Not sure whether I like this
behavior :-\
As a workaround, try quoting the table name as explained in my other mail.

> 3. Failed query 2: Two visual identical querys, one created with the 
> wizard, the other with basic share not the same result

If "visually identically" means "identically when opened in the query
design", this must not mean anything - the query design automatically
"normlizes" the query it displays.

Try reading the "Command" property of both queries via Basic, to get the
"pure" underlying SQL statement.

What does "do not share the same result" mean? Still the identifier case
problem, or is there really a difference in the *records* which they

> 4. Enhancement 1: Want a simple 'rename' function for a table in OOo 
> Base Menu 'Tables'

2.0.1 will have one :)

> 5. Enhancement 2: Want to edit existing items in a table (name, 
> length, data type (yes, I now what is behind)), key (yes) but a 
> developer should now, what a user has to do, when he must change 
> the key to 'auto'.

Which means you're using a version prior to m91 (or was it m90 or m92?).
You might want to give the latest and greatest a try:
http://download.openoffice.org/680/index.html. There, this is implemented.

> 6. Unstable behavior: All Tables gone

Would be *very* interesting to know how you did this ...

> and yes, each of this tings should be written in a own thread. But I 
> was angry and tired.

Hey, at least you *know* how to best use the medium :)))


- Frank Schönheit, Software Engineer         [EMAIL PROTECTED] -
- Sun Microsystems, Inc.                http://www.sun.com/staroffice -
- OpenOffice.org Database Access            http://dba.openoffice.org -
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